Circuits are designed to challenge every part of your body
TRX Strength
Using the TRX suspension strap and some other equipment to give yourself an intense workout that will not leave any muscle left out.
Cardio Strength – virtual and in-studio available
Cardio Strength consists of 15 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes of strength movements and 15 minutes of restorative movements (stretching, mobility, range of motion).
Tabata Fit – virtual and in-studio available
Feel like you need a little extra cardio in your life? Our Tabata Fit consists of 7-9 circuits. Each circuit has 2 exercises that you alternate working for 20 seconds with a 10 second break in between, for 4 rounds. We also add an extra something special (core, balance, more cardio, more strengthening) to the end of every circuit, to make sure everything gets worked.
Strength & Restore
This is the complete workout. We work our muscles for 40 minutes, using a variety of different circuit styles to keep things interesting. The last 20 minutes are used to stretch and go through different mobility exercises to help realign and release tension. If you work it, you should fix it.
Aging Strong
We all need to stay strong, no matter our age. Keeping your body strong and moving is even more important as we age. This class is ideal for those who want to keep strong, though may have some mobility issues. Part of the class is done in a chair, instead of having to get down to the floor, there is a focus on functional movements to help with daily activities, and of course there is a splash of fun in there too.